Boss Security Screens

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7 Less Common Approaches to Sensible Security

When we think of security, we frequently think of locks, lights, guns, dogs and - of course - security screens.

But good security is much more than just the obvious ‘hard’ solutions like ammo and hunting knives.  There are a wide range of ‘soft’ aspects that are often ignored:


I remember watching someone run from a store a few years ago. It looked like he had stolen something because a security guard was chasing him.  The bad guy was sprinting like a champion, looking over his shoulder.  But the security guard was obese and was having a tough time just maintaining a quick trot.  Needless to say, the bad guy got away because the security guard was too out of shape to keep up.

Being able to move quickly is a huge part of self defense- so is having the strength to climb over a barrier or move a heavy object.  Don’t let poor physical fitness turn yourself into an easy target.  Do what you can to build and maintain strength, balance and mobility.


You are more likely to die from a house fire than an axe-wielding terrorist.  Carbon monoxide poisoning is a big killer.  Be sure you have excellent fire alarms in your home.  Test them monthly.  Keep a few spare batteries on hand.

Along these lines, give some thought to what you and your family should do if there were a fire.  Remember drop and roll? And feeling the bedroom door to check if it is hot?  Be sure your kids know the best practices.  Have a plan in place about what to do and where to meet if there were a disaster.


You can live without food for weeks. But you can only go a few days without water.  If the recent pandemic has taught us anything, we need to be sure we keep a sufficient quantity of essential supplies on-hand just in case there’s a disruption in availability.


The recent storms in Texas underscore the importance of auxiliary power in the event of an emergency.  Whether it’s running the heater or accessing the internet, a little bit of energy goes a long way.  Check the cost of generators and - if you have solar - look at storing some energy in batteries like Tesla’s Powerwall.


Quick and easy access to cash can be a lifesaver.  A few thousand dollars at-the-ready in the event of an emergency can really make a big difference.  No need to go overboard here.  Afterall, we don’t want to lose it!  But it sure is prudent to keep some cash at home in a decent safe.


Insurance only works after something bad has already happened.  It won’t prevent it.  However, insurance - from liability insurance to home insurance - has its role and can help mitigate devastating financial loss.  Have a risk professional review your situation and recommend the appropriate coverage.


If you want to go fast, go by yourself. But if you want to go far, go together.  A long and happy life is built on the love and support from your family and friends.  They will save you when you need help most, so be sure to nurture that.  Plus it’s just the right thing to do!