Boss Security Screens

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Thinking of Installing a Security Alarm System?

There are several factors one should consider before installing a home security system:

1. Alarms don't stop break-ins.

The bad guys are especially good at discerning - in a blink - who is most vulnerable. Unless you are hiding a Picasso in your home, most burglaries are an act of desperation. There's not a lot of planning that goes into it. The perp is looking for a quick in and out, no fuss theft. They are not looking for a fight.

At the same time, the bad guys can be unusually brazen. Security cameras? No problem. Alarms? Not enough to deter the crime.

The average burglary in the United States is less than 3 minutes. Straight to the master bedroom, collect the gun(s) and the prescription drugs and hightail out of there. The police seldom respond quicker than 20-30 minutes in most metropolitan areas to burglaries not involving a gun.

But...every bit helps. So an alarm is a good thing. It's just not a magic bullet.

2. Your most vulnerable areas may be the least expected.

Burglars love points of entry that are obscured from nosey neighbors. This means you will want to harden the doors and windows that don't offer great line of sight. Put cameras there, light up those areas, and use better locks. Don't forget to put a security door on the side door to the garage.

3. Smart security is layered security.

If there were one thing we could do to stop break-ins, we would all be doing it! The best advice is to project to the would-be burglar that your home will not be an easy target:

  • post 'Beware of Dog' signs

  • erect security alarm placards

  • use lots of outdoor lighting

  • remove landscaping and fencing that prevent good visibility (check out CPTED)

  • make sure windows and doors are locked (need to periodically and religiously check this...especially if you have kids)

  • reinforce or upgrade those locks

  • install security cameras at all entry points and walk areas

  • install that security alarm system (and be sure to test it!)

Finally, get to know the neighbors. Encourage everyone to help keep an eye out for suspicious behavior. Neighbor watches are gold!