Boss Security Screens

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Heidi Harris Visits Our Las Vegas Showroom

Always good to see Heidi Harris, especially in our showroom. Watch as she asks Jumbo a few questions…

Speaker 1:

So Jim Castellano here from Boss Security Screens. How you doing, buddy?

Jim Castellano:

I'm good. How are you? It's good to see you.

Speaker 1:

I am great. Good seeing you too. My screens are still holding up. They're amazing. It's a great feeling to, especially when Spring's coming now, you can open those windows and get that breeze through on the ground floor open.

Jim Castellano:

You have everything open now and feel safe.

Speaker 1:

And nobody's coming through. That's exactly right. So we're here at the Boss Security Screens showroom and I wanted to show you guys a couple of... First of all, let's look at these, and they come in 300 colors.

Jim Castellano:

We have 300 different colors. These are our three main colors. The almond, the white with the charcoal mesh, and the bronze that's on the wall there.

Speaker 1:

Oh, let's go over there.

Jim Castellano:

Yeah. They go with pretty much every house out here. So these are your swing doors. These are all custom made to fit. All this stuff is all handmade to fit your home. So we come out, we give you a price and a rough measurement, and then if you decide to buy we send our installers out to do a final measure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they've done that with me. Absolutely.

Jim Castellano:

Right. So they do that final measure, that's when the order gets placed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. These are not prefab, these are done for your house.

Jim Castellano:

Right. These are all made by hand, there's no production line.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. You know what, after we show those I want to show how tough these screens are. Go ahead.

Jim Castellano:

So these are your swing doors that they close automatically.

Speaker 1:

Nice. Nice.

Jim Castellano:

When you lock this door from the inside, it's just one little lever here-

Speaker 1:

Let me look at that, let me see that close up.

Jim Castellano:

Here's your lever. So when you turn this lever you're going to shoot out a deadbolt, a deadbolt, and a deadbolt here on the bottom.

Speaker 1:

Okay, got three. Okay. Got it.

Jim Castellano:

Okay. And it's all sealed nice and tight. So when you're inside your home looking out, you won't have any light coming through. So nothing can crawl in, nothing can blow in.

Speaker 1:

That's important.

Jim Castellano:

So these are your swing doors.

Speaker 1:

We don't want someone crawling in, is right.

Jim Castellano:

Yeah. So here are the windows, and this one looks like a double home window. Whatever your window looks like is what we match.

Speaker 1:

Correct, because on my windows, I don't have that line in the middle because that's not the design of my house, for me, for example. Correct.

Jim Castellano:

So this would be a double home. If you have a slider, the mullion would be this way. So we match what you have.

Speaker 1:

That's how mine are, right.

Jim Castellano:

So once this is on you won't even realize it's on the home. It blends right in, we'll color match.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's amazing.

Jim Castellano:

So these are the screens. Okay. And God forbid, you're inside, you have to get out in a hurry, or when you're ready to wash the windows-

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Let me go around. I keep talking to everybody about this latch. It's important because I have arthritis and my hands are not very strong. There are a lot of things I can't open anymore as I get older, I want people to see this.

Jim Castellano:

So these are all ADA compliant. Okay. It's less than five pounds of pressure to open that.

Speaker 1:

Right? Boom. That's important.

Jim Castellano:

And then you just push it right on out. Okay. Now we have another line coming on, which is going to change this to just a pin. So all you'll do is lift up on the pin and it's going to lock, it's like a vault. It's going to be all pins coming through.

Speaker 1:

Perfect. Right. But even this one, I can easily open, guys. I want you guys to see this because there are a lot of things, I can hardly open cans sometimes anymore. It's just... We're getting old Jim, what can I say?

Jim Castellano:

Yeah, the hands don't work anymore.

Speaker 1:


Jim Castellano:

But for seniors and for children, it's great because you're able to just hit this and open it up.

Speaker 1:

That's important. So if you open this up too, if you want to clean your windows you open it. If you need to get out in the emergency, anything like that.

Jim Castellano:

Right, and then if you want to wash the screen you can take a hose and just spray it down.

Speaker 1:

Right, absolutely.

Jim Castellano:

Although this is all powder coated so it doesn't... When you hit your screen on a regular screen, you get all that dust that comes out. You don't get that with this. The wind pretty much blows it off, if not you can spray it with a hose. Just close it, lock it, you're done. So now cleaning your windows is much, much-

Speaker 1:

Much easier. Okay. So let's talk about... Show me over here how strong these are and then we'll go back to the slider.

Jim Castellano:

So this is the 12x12 mesh. Okay. [inaudible 00:03:38]. We call this a beat box. So people come in and whack it. This has been like this for months now. After maybe six, eight months we changed the mesh out so it was new again. We have videos in the showroom going all the time.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah. You've got them up there behind you, people trying to get in.

Jim Castellano:

These are all fire department, police department approved. We shoot cannons at these, like 250 pounds of pressure bounces right off.

Speaker 1:

I was just talking to one of your installers who was telling me about another break in that he went to and what they did is they pulled the window from underneath, is that what they did to their window?

Jim Castellano:

Yeah, they do that. A regular window really only sits in the track this deep. So sometimes they'll kick that center piece and pop it right out, if they just don't break the glass. But they're so good at it and quick at it, it's... Your back sliders are always your number one piece.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Let's talk about that, because I have those. I love them. I mean I have all the windows, but the sliders are super important. Because as you've told me before, what happens is people will look around, see if anyone's home, then they'll sneak over your fence. Then they'll go around the back door. They'll throw something in your yard, they don't have to bring anything, they pull something, a lounge chair, a rock. They break in, boom. And the neighbors go, "What?" And they go, "Oh, I didn't hear anything." Because they only hear it once. Especially in the summer, people have air conditioning on, no one's going to hear someone breaks into your house.

Jim Castellano:

A lot of people think they come around with tools or ladders. They don't.

Speaker 1:

They don't, or a van or something.

Jim Castellano:

Right. Everyone arms with what's lying around the house. Mostly it's those big red bricks out here. They take those, they throw them right through. Because if they get caught with it a tool or a hammer it's a different charge for them, they know that.

Speaker 1:


Jim Castellano:

And the back slider, they'll always ring your doorbell first, not always, but most of the time. To see if anyone home, they'll wear a fake lanyard like they're selling something. If they don't get a response then they'll walk... They're not going to break through their front as much, they do but it's mostly they go right to the back.

Speaker 1:

They go right to the back. No one can see them.

Jim Castellano:

So no one can see them.

Speaker 1:

Right. And people don't realize it, they're these are not guys that pull up with a van. These are guys, punks riding around on bicycles with backpacks.

Jim Castellano:

Well that in certain areas, other ones in the other areas where there's no walking traffic, they watch and wait. They know when you're gone, when you're not gone. We had a few people just leave for dinner one night, five minutes later, they were broken into.

Speaker 1:

Unbelievable. They're watching.

Jim Castellano:

It's all different ways it happens.

Speaker 1:

And it could be your neighbors too watching when you come and go.

Jim Castellano:

It could be your neighbors, it's happening more and more, unfortunately.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I want to tell you something. When the Boss Security Screen van, I'll show you guys this real quickly, this is just a car, but they have a big fancy schmancy truck that pulls up in front of your house. And I'll tell you what I like sending the message to the neighbors, "See this? I'm getting these screens on my house. So don't even try nothing." This is another one of those screens. You can see how-

Jim Castellano:

This is a four panel slider.

Speaker 1:

Okay. How nicely it opens and I don't know, are these considered solar screens, Jim?

Jim Castellano:

Yes they are security solar.

Jim Castellano:

Oh they are. Okay.

Speaker 1:

It's a 66% UV Ray. Okay, and you'll feel the difference here. You're standing in front of one right now-

Speaker 1:

Oh, a total difference in my backyard. Oh my backyard's just night and day.

Jim Castellano:

So now open this now and feel the heat, it's totally different.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah. Since you put them on my back slider, because my back, they get the brunt of the heat. Oh. Night and day in my house.

Jim Castellano:

Oh really.

Speaker 1:

And I want everybody to see, you can see right through these.

Jim Castellano:

And right now this is on the inside here, normally it's on the outside and it'd be even clearer because it gives a reverse reflection and that's what makes it clear. A lot of people think when you put this on the home, it makes your home dark inside and it really doesn't.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't. And I want to also mention another thing because I had a neighbor ask me about this. When you get these security screens on your house everyone goes, "Well, yeah, they're great till the power goes out." I go, "No, no, no, my friend." You don't need to have the power on like some other kinds of security systems. And another thing, people have these cameras everywhere, that's not a security system. Oh I got a great shot of the guy who broke into my house.

Jim Castellano:

Right, it's just another layer. I like people that have cameras Because it's good to, if you're away, you want to monitor your property, or if you're inside and you hear something, you want to look on your phone and see what that might be. That's fine. So it's just another layer, which is okay to have. And that helps us out because we get to watch a lot of those videos so we can come there and tell you, "Hey, make sure you put a lock on your electric panel box. Make sure you take those cords off in the garage." All those little things are really key and it helps you stay safe.

Speaker 1:

That really matters. And you always come out and talk to people and give them great safety tips and things like that.

Jim Castellano:

Oh, yeah. We try to give them all the information. We really want to help people. I mean, of course we want to sell our product, but the culture of the company here with the owners and everything, they're really good, they really want people safe, and really want to help people. So that's our mission.

Speaker 1:

That makes a difference.

Jim Castellano:

So this is one of the sliders.

Speaker 1:

Okay. This is what I have on my backyard.

Jim Castellano:

Right. And this captures your door. A lot of people think we have to take their doors out, not at all.

Speaker 1:

No, it goes right over the top.

Jim Castellano:

This just goes right over,

Speaker 1:

Whatever door you have now, this goes right over the top of it. Absolutely.

Jim Castellano:

Right. So this opens, and then for us, we have these track savers that lift out. So when you're ready to wash the other side of your window, they'll both slide over. So now you can wash this side of your-

Speaker 1:

And you know what? I didn't even know that because I'm such a lazy housekeeper.

Jim Castellano:

A lot of people don't wash, but we make it so you get to every piece of glass.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to and I was like, what do I do? I should have called you.

Jim Castellano:

Yeah, you just lift your track saver up and out.

Speaker 1:

Got it. Okay.

Jim Castellano:

Okay. Which is nice because it keeps nice and clean, all the hair and dirt out. You don't step in it. It's kind of nice.

Speaker 1:

That's great. Let me show people the inside too. How easily you can use this lock, this is important. And once again, something that's ADA compliant.

Jim Castellano:

Right. So this one now is just a J lock. It locks the doors together.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Let me show everybody. See how this works, guys? You just lift that.

Jim Castellano:

Lift up and lift down. And that's your lock. A lot of people think the lock is over here by the handle but it's not, we use this as a decoy. So you just lock this and you're locked. So there's no keys, no mechanism [crosstalk 00:09:40] along with.

Speaker 1:

See this guys, you just lift it up, push it back down. Very simple.

Jim Castellano:

So now even with the newer ones that we're starting to build, they're going to be like a four point locking system. So they'll have a key, because some people are like, "Well, we use our sliders to come in and out." Which is kind of rare, but they have it. So now the new design, what they're doing now is a four point locking system. So when you lock this, you just turn the lever, you're going to have four deadbolts sticking in here.

Speaker 1:

Got it.

Jim Castellano:

And there's a clasp on the backside. So, the newer ones that are coming out are a little bit more improved with certain aspects, all the same mesh, all the same framing. Just some things that some customers have asked us about and we try to make to accommodate them.

Speaker 1:

I'm thrilled with mine. I don't need any updates on mine, they're fantastic.

Jim Castellano:

And this one here behind you, this one has key locks on it. What this is for is when you have a window in your house that doesn't open, all right, but you still want to get to wash it. So all you do is turn the key and open it. Now you can wash your windows. This is for like the big pane windows. A lot of homes here have those like here. So all you do is close it, lock it, you're done.

Speaker 1:

Boom. Done. Okay, great. That's great. Well, thank you for the...

Jim Castellano:

You're welcome.

Speaker 1:

Call Boss Security Screens. You can just go to That's and you guys are great and you've been amazing, and thanks for sponsoring what I do.

Jim Castellano:

Thank you. Yes, it's been great.

Speaker 1:

And Jim's happy to come out and talk to you.

Jim Castellano:

Yeah. I haven't seen you a bit lately, I love hearing you on the podcast now, it's great.

Speaker 1:

I know, it's good to see you. It's great.

Jim Castellano:

So, really, really is. So you thank you. Appreciate it.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. All right. Thanks Jim. Talk to you.