Boss Security Screens

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“I Just Want to Keep The Bad Stuff Out”

Hi, my name is Allie, and this is Riley. Honestly, I think they're the greatest things I've ever purchased. I got them because Vegas is a 24-hour town, and most of us are used to coming and going all hours of the night, whether it's work or meeting your friends, or people come in town to visit you. And then quarantine happened and my best friend and I were sitting here and all of a sudden we realized we didn't like being home every night. Like, what's that noise? Did you hear that? What is that? And we decided to research security screens or companies. I have an alarm system. The problem that I was having with the security alarm is if something serious does happen, I'm at work, I can't just leave work. Something has probably already happened. And my friend and I decided that we would research other options. Basically, after the research and everything that we looked at and talked about, the end of the line was basically just keep out.

That's the most important thing to me is keep out. And that's why I decided to get them. I feel like there's really no better thing you can get when it comes to your safety and just feeling comfortable in your own home. I think it's great. I never worry about anything. I really don't. I don't worry about the dog. I don't worry about being home at night. My friend doesn't worry about being home at night. You can have the TV loud. You don't worry about every little sound that you hear. It's honestly, I can't say enough about them. They look a lot better than I ever could have expected. They look like they came with the house, it's just really a beautiful job.