Boss Security Screens

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Security Window Screens Stopped This Intruder [TRUE STORY]

We seldom receive reports on our security window screens thwarting an intrusion. Most likely it’s because our screens go a good job of dissuading anyone from even trying. One touch and you quickly realize this home (the one with the security screens) won’t be an easy one and just isn’y worth all the time and energy to try to get in when the one down the street (without any security screens) is much easier to break into.

Btw, for the record, no one has every defeated one of our security screens! Again, it’s largely for the above reason. Can someone get in if they really wanted to? Yes, of course. Anyone can get into anything with enough time, money and energy. When it comes to break-ins, though, most burglars are looking for a quick in and out, no fuss hit.

In any case, the new report below interviews a couple who were victims of a couple break-ins until they decided to invest in security screens and put a stop to it. What’s not mentioned in the clip below is the bad guys actually injured themselves trying to get in. They left a little bit of blood on the frames. I guess the garden shears broke off and sliced an arm or something. Bad for them. Great for the homeowner. And good DNA evidence for the police!