How It All Started
My background is mechanical engineering. Decades ago I founded an IT consulting firm and have quite a bit of experience with data security. In my free time I teach martial arts to kids and have written a few books. So safety is already top of mind.
I also happen to travel a lot for work. One day my wife confided that she and the kids don’t feel safe when I am away. I offered to get her a big gun. She didn’t want to shoot anyone. I offered to get her a big dog. She didn’t want the dog getting hurt.
James Kerr - Founder & CEO
So I hopped online and did a bunch of research…and realized a very robust screen, mounted on the outside of the home, was the best solution for keeping anyone from getting in.
Security is one of those timeless needs. Thousands of years ago, we domesticated dogs…and built moats, for example…to keep the bad stuff from getting to us.
These security screens are a modern extension of that - a way to keep us safe.
Our singular focus is maximizing security. We are wholly committed to using the highest performing design, the strongest materials and the best manufacturing processes because I wanted a solution that I knew would excel in time of need and provide the peace of mind knowing my family is safe.
The result is a product that everyone deserves to have on their homes.
As you can imagine, sales took off and we are now in Las Vegas, Phoenix, Tucson and Albuquerque - with plans to expand to expand nationally.
Our longterm goal is to work more closely with builders and window manufacturers to make security screens more accessible to more people.
We envision builders offering our technology as an option that be easily rolled into the mortgage so the cost is just a few dollar per month.
We envision apartment complexes securing their first floor units with our product so those families don’t have to worry about break-ins anymore.
And we envision working closely with window manufacturers to offer their clients an easy-to-install aftermarket solution for their homes.
“We are on a mission: to make these awesome security screens more affordable to all. Because the people who need it most are often the ones who can afford it least.”
One thing we are especially jazzed about is using security screen sales to fund community service projects. Having served on the Board of Directors on Easter Seals and the Girl Scouts, I know how important it is to raise money for nonprofits. With your purchase, we are able to secure schools at-cost. Together we can make the world an even better place!
What Matters Most To Us
Our company is based on a handful of super important core values:
1. Quality is king. (Don't cut corners. Ever!)
2. Honest day's work = honest day's pay.
3. Do the right thing. Always.
4. A safe home is a happy home.
5. Serving others is the grandest purpose.
Our Promise to You
All of our screens are custom made right here in the beautiful USA! It's quality and craftsmanship you can trust. Everything - from materials, to products, to installation - is designed to last. Also, we are on a mission to make our community even better. One percent of all sales every month to go to various charitable causes. With your business, we can do a lot of good together.
Why I Love My Security Screens
I, of course, have these on my home and I love them. Absolutely love them. There was a time when I had nothing, and then there's a time when I have them. The sense of peace is really night and day. It's indescribable. For all of our clients, we put them on there, no one ever says, "Take them down." What they all say is, "I wish we had them sooner and I wish everyone could have them."
Obviously I've banged on this a few times. There's only dirt on here. Nothing has failed. This wire is hurricane category 4. Each screen, each door is rated hurricane category 4. The wire itself comes from the oil industry. You have these huge pipes where they're pushing all this sludge through there, oil, dirt, rocks, and they need something to filter it out. And it's exactly this stainless steel mesh that's used. We adopt it for screens in severe weather conditions, and we've adopted it here to prevent break-ins.
So these are the doors. We make them all shapes and sizes. This one is here in inset mount, which means we can put it in between build-outs like this. So that fits nice and snug in there. Nice and neat. Each of these opens. There's an egress latch on the inside. It's ADA compliant, anyone, even young kids, elderly, can flip that switch and get out in the event of emergency. So each screen is hinged. There's a hinge on the vertical side over there. Flip the switch, push this open, it opens like a car door. It's great for getting out if you ever have an emergency, but it's also great for cleaning the other side of the window.
From the inside of the home, I want to show you how the egress latch works. First, notice you can see out very clearly. There's no issue. Nice thing about these screens is it does reduce 65% of the thermal energy coming into the home. So you'll see a savings in your AC costs. But the thing I like most is our intellectual property. This is a ADA compliant latch. The handle itself is fire rated. So if the whole house is on fire, you don't want the handle to melt. And it's ADA compliant, meaning it takes only five, six pounds of pressure. So easily operated by children, adults and elderly.
So I lock it up like that. If I need to get out, I just flip the switch and I push, the whole screen opens up. It goes all the way out. The whole screen goes all the way out and I can get out very easily in the event of a fire.
It's also great for washing these windows. So whenever you wash all the windows on the outside of the home, you just open the screen, wash them, and then lock them back up again.
So from the inside here of my home, the security door we keep locked all the time. We keep this door open when the weather's, nice day or night. I can even go run errands, keep this door open, and the security door locked. No one's coming in there. I like that you can look out and you can see very clearly what's out there. The thing I like about this door in particular is the three-bolt locking mechanism. So one turn of this knob and all three kind of parrot beaks here lock into this frame for superior protection. And this lock right here is accessible to youngsters. We want them to be able to get out if they need to.
Some firms sell three-point locks, but you have to reach up here to get it. And young kids, short people can't do that. They can't reach up there. If that door is locked, they're not going to be able to get out. And some companies sell a three-point locking door, but when you leave for the day, it doesn't lock all three. It only locks the middle one. But ours is a true three-point locking mechanism. If you just turn this, I've locked one, two, three, simultaneously. And when I want to get out, I turn it, and boom, I'm out. One of my favorites are these doors here. You can make them any color. We can do any powder coat color for the frame, any powder coat color for the wire, for the mesh.
The sliders are my absolute favorite. This is a patio slider we have in our bedroom. We make them for French doors and this is a French door, but we just put a slider on the outside because, hey, it works just as well. The thing I love most about this is we can keep these doors open all day, all night, and this locked, and not have to worry about anyone getting it. So these sliders, these two panels, both of them move. So you can move this other one over and wipe the glass on this side. Both panels are locked into the frame, so someone can't try to pull these panels out of the frames. They're locked in at the top and locked in at the bottom.
This mechanism right here, keeps everything in place. So when I want to lock up for the day, it's like that when I want to unlock. Maybe I want to go outside. This U-lock clamps both top and bottom and I can go out. See how bright it is out there. And I don't know if you can tell, but it's really easy to see outside. There's absolutely no problem looking outside. So I want to lock it up, it's like this. I want to unlock it, it's just like that.