Does your HOA require approval security screens? Some HOA’s do. But don’t worry. We’ve assisted many clients with their approvals, and we’ve never been denied.

The process is summarized below. Please review and let us know how if you have any questions. We are here to help!


Step 1

Please obtain the Architectural Committee Review (“ARC”) form from your HOA and fill it out. It’s usually a simple, single page form that your HOA can email to you. It may also be available for download from their website.

Under “Description of Work” or equivalent section, indicate the number and color (almond, white, bronze, etc) of the security screens to be installed.

NOTE: Many HOAs are concerned when the mesh is described as ‘black’. Instead of ‘black mesh’, please use ‘charcoal mesh.’ HOAs have no problem with that.



Step 2

Sign the ARC form and submit it to your HOA along with a link to photos of the screens: https://bosssecurityscreens.com/stainless-steel-screens

Here are photos of security screens with almond frames and charcoal mesh.

Screenshot 2020-07-24 at 8.52.52 PM.png

Step 3

Under these regulations, the HOA cannot deny the approval for the screens as they are necessary for security of your home. Once it approves the screens, please e-mail us or call the phone numbers below so we can proceed with their production!