This Door Needs to Be Secured. Learn How...
So here we are at probably the number one point of where people have burglaries occur. It's at their doors, the front door, rear sliding glass door. But let's just take a look at the front door of this model home. One of the things that we want to make sure before you move into a model home is have you changed the locks? Because those keys are floating around to all the vendors, to all the people who worked in this house. And if you don't change those locks, there's no guarantee that they don't have a key to come into your home at a later time.
We did a segment over at Home Depot not too long ago where we were talking about the different type of locking systems and some of the alarm systems that get installed at the door. So take a look at this door right here. We have both locking mechanisms in play here. We have a touch keypad with a key entry. The deadbolt on this is going to be over an inch, which goes into the framing. And then on the strike plate, you're going to want to have at least a three and a half inch screw, which would be about the length of that pin. Now, what that's doing is it's going through the wood of the frame of the door. It's going through the little gap between the frame and the actual hardwood framing of the house and sinking into those studs. That makes it much harder for you to be able to kick a door in and makes this much more secure.
We also covered the alarm systems and camera systems that were available at your local Home Depot. And this one happens to be a Ring system. Having that at your front door allows you access to who's coming to your front door at any time, anywhere because you have the mobile app. You also have camera systems up above that allow you to see who's standing at your door. So between these two systems here, they've done a nice job of preparing the front door for any potential attacks or threats from a burglary. Likewise, when we talked about visual access, right, that visual, natural surveillance, this is open. Now, I know you guys can't see that, but when you were looking at the picture of the model homes, you can see that they had big, wide openings that allowed people from the neighborhood and those who come into the neighborhood to be able to have clear access and clear visual observation of the doorway.
Remember, layered security is smart security. Be sure to check out our security doors and security screens.