Boss Security Screens

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A New Year's Resolution

Millions of people will make their annual New Year's resolutions to eat healthier, work out more, take steps toward self-improvement, or even commit to looking for new career opportunities. Resolutions are most visible when I am at the gym. The New Year brings a fresh outlook, a renewed commitment to improve, and vigor to begin. I see new faces everywhere. However, these newbies are not created equal. The first type of newbie is the inexperienced lifter, the one who has never really lifted before. They have terrible form, they left too heavy, and these beginners have no understanding of gym etiquette. They either stand around talking too much or sit watching videos and texting on the machines. They are oblivious to the cycle of a gym. Get on, get busy, and move on. Serious lifters need to keep the pump. They are pushing their muscles and sometimes pushing their cardio. Yes, you can get a great cardio workout while moving quickly through your weight progressions. Surprise, no treadmill is needed. 

The second type of New Year resolution person I love the most is the one who breaks quickly and does not return. They hit the gym hard and fast. They burn hot and burn out. Then, the fatigue, the sore muscles, and the aching joints become unbearable, and they quietly return to their old habits. I know how this sounds, but I would prefer they stay home. Both types of newbies clog up the gym and make a great workout hard to achieve for the regulars. We regulars, the 3-6 day-a-week folks, watch this cycle year after year. For us, it is great to return to the normal order of things. While it may be hard to stick to a great diet and a consistent workout plan, it is doable. So is a resolution to better security. 

Our blogs covered many great topics in 2022, from CPTED principles to after-market devices and gun safety to exterior security products. Now that 2023 is upon us, it is a great time to take advantage of the best security product on the market. Boss Security Screens are unrivaled in the industry. There are cheaper products out there, but that is precisely the difference. Just try to find another security product that has a no break-in guarantee. You either shop for value (price) or you look for quality. You really do get what you pay for. I urge you to watch the videos in our blogs and on this website that show you repeatedly the difference you get when you buy a Boss Security Screen. If you are willing to make resolutions to look and feel better, why not make your house look and feel better?

A Boss Security Screen is beautifully designed, custom measured, and crafted to fit perfectly. We make them to match and complement your home. Take a look at the differences below:

The Mesh:

  • Our mesh is stainless steel.

  • Each strand is .035" inches in diameter and is incredibly stronger than the .028" on some security screens.

  • The weave is 12 x 12 per sq. inch.

  • Our mesh is powder coated for looks, longevity, and corrosion prevention.

    The Frames

  • Our frames are made from extruded aluminum - the same type of aluminum used in airplanes. Such aluminum is very strong and very lightweight.

  • Our frames are powder coated for looks, longevity, and corrosion prevention.

  • Our frames are thicker and stiffer for added strength. 

    The Attachments

  • Our mesh is attached to the frames with screws every 3".

  • Our frames are attached to the sub-frame of the home with 3 1/2" screws every 8" for maximum security.

  • All screws are hidden for added security.

    The Bonus

  • Our doors and windows are rated for hurricane category 4 (debris flying at 156 mph).

  • Each screen has an ADA compliant egress latch. These latches are easily operated by very young children and the elderly.

  • The security doors have a true 3-point locking system. One turn of the key from the outside of your home, or one turn of the knob from the inside, will engage all 3 locking bolts.

  • We make security screens for all openings:  windows, swing doors, French doors, patio sliding doors, and patio enclosures...we even do doggie doors!

  • We can do any shape, size, and color. 

What else can I say; you need to see our screens in person to believe. When you hold a sample screen in your hands, you will feel the difference. When you look them over, you will see the difference. When you meet with a representative, you will hear the difference. So why wait? Make a New Year's resolution you can keep. Call Boss Security Screens and set an appointment to meet with us so you can see, feel, and hear the difference right from the comfort of your home. Our appointments are free, and there is no obligation. But let me warn you in advance: you will want our screens in 2023 and will be happy knowing you kept this New Year's resolution!

Until next time, be safe and remain vigilant!

Written by,

Michael Johnston

Chief Security Advisor at Boss Security Screens

*The author is a paid consultant and product representative for Boss Security Screens. The information provided in this blog does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials are the author's opinion and for general informational purposes only. It is recommended that you consult an attorney, certified trainers, or licensed providers before acting on any information provided. This website may link to other third-party websites. Such links are for the convenience of the reader and are not endorsed by the author. 

Visit one of our showrooms and see for yourself how tough our security screens are:

Las Vegas Boss Security Screens
6718 W Sunset Rd Suite 100, Las Vegas, NV 89118
Mon - Sat  8am - 5pm

Phoenix Boss Security Screens
9299 W Olive Ave Unit 103, Peoria, AZ 85345
Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm

Albuquerque Boss Security Screens
(showroom available by appointment)
Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm