Why Buy Security Window Screens?
Staying safe is one of those timeless things. Food, shelter…security. It drove us to domesticate dogs and build moats. And it’s why - during the pandemic - the line for ammo was snaked around the block. We NEED to feel safe.
Most break-ins are an act of desperation. Unless you have a Picasso in your home, criminals are just looking for a quick in and quick out. They are scoping which home appears most vulnerable and offers the least resistance.
Bars on the windows work. If they can keep criminals in jail from escaping, they can keep criminals from getting in. The problem with bars, though, is they look ugly. In fact, a home with bars is consistently valued less on the real estate market.
Window bars also make one feel ‘caged.’
If - because of budget constraints - you must go with window security bars, just make sure each offers easy egress in the event of an emergency.
Rolling shutters are another option for homeowners. They look ok from the outside, but from the inside you feel trapped. Only 3% of the population can live in a home with the shutters down all the time. The rest of us need the sunshine and the fresh air.
Shutters will do an excellent job of keeping the bad guys out, but they only work when they are down. And that’s a real drag. The moment someone in your family opens one to get some sunshine, you are no longer secure.
Rolling shutters also need regular maintenance so they operate smoothly. This can get costly after several years.
That brings us to security screens. It’s what I consider ‘gen 3’, or the best thing since rolling shutters and security bars. Security screens look like solar screens, but are stronger than bars. The reason they are so popular is because:
They are always ‘on’, meaning they are always protecting you.
They are just as strong as rolling shutters.
They don’t get in the way of the view.
They allow for fresh air all day and all night.
They last forever. (Well, not exactly forever. But because the screens are being cycled over and over again, there’s nearly zero likelihood of material failure due to fatigue. And because the frames are aluminum and the mesh is stainless steel, there’s zero rust. In fact, each of our security screens comes with a lifetime warranty!)
So, in a nutshell, you can see why security screens are superior. They really are the ultimate in security. Perfect for your windows and doors!
This Phoenix client doesn’t have to worry about break-ins anymore!