Security Screen Doors - What You Need to Know
The sole purpose of the security door is to keep the bad guys out. Period.
Our security screens doors do an outstanding job of stopping break-ins. In fact, we guarantee it.
And with over 300 colors for the frames and the stainless steel mesh, our doors will be looking terrific on your home.
But let’s dig into the details and see how things stack up:
Our security doors are so strong, we guarantee they will prevent intrusions.
Now this one fact alone should tell you a bit more about which door performs well and which won’t. If you are a door manufacturer and you are not 100% confident your door will prevent a break-in, will you guarantee it? Of course not. So if you truly want an excellent security door for your home and you are willing to pay for the superior security, then shop only for the ones that come with a no break-in guarantee.Make sure there’s easy egress in event of an emergency. This is important. Yes, you want to keep the bad guys from getting in, but can you or your child or someone elderly get out easily? Our security screen doors are rare because they have a real, 3-point locking mechanism. That means one turn of the lock simultaneously engages all locks and one turn simultaneously unlocks all locks. Regardless of whether you are in the home locking up for the night or outside locking up for the day, you can rest assured you have 3 locks protecting you. Security doors with 3-point locking mechanisms are tougher to install because you have to get all 3 locks lined up properly, but the extra security is well worth the extra money. Now some companies sell a door with 3 separate locks. You basically have to bolt each one to get the same level of security. But can your child reach that top lock when there’s a fire? And when you leave your home to go to work or to run errands are you able to lock all 3 locks from the outside of the home? Be sure to double check that.
Verify what kind of stainless steel mesh is used on the security door.
Some companies cut cost by using a lower grade stainless steel mesh that uses thinner wire that is only .028” in diameter. Our wire is .035” in diameter, which is 25% thicker. The thicker wire costs us more, but again the extra security is worth its weight in gold. Likewise, our wire mesh is a tighter weave. We have 12x12 per sq inch. Other companies use 10x10. Our higher density mesh costs us more, but it’s much, much stronger than a 10x10 weave. And our 12x12 weave does a better job of keeping the mosquitoes and other small bugs out of your home. The bottom line is: The most common point of entry for a break-in is your door. Be sure it offers maximum security. You don’t want to wake up in the middle of the night with some creepo outside your door and wishing you had spent a little more money on a real security screen door!We can powder coat any custom color.
The frames and mesh on our doors come in just about any color you can imagine. We use a RAL color chart to choose the one that best matches your home’s color palette. This design flexibility is really important because you will want your HOA to approve everything. But you also want your new security door to boost your home’s curb appeal. Security screens for your doors and windows is a sizable investment. You will want the screens to perform extremely well AND look great so the net result is improved security and increased home value.
The best way to verify all of the above points is to visit our Las Vegas showroom and see for yourself how strong and attractive they are. It’s located near 215 and S Rainbow. We are open Mon-Sat 9am-5pm. No appointment is necessary. Hope to see you there:
6718 W. Sunset Road, Suite 100
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89118
Custom color security screen door