The Grey Rhino

Michael Johnston Security Advisor

Written by: Michael Johnston - Chief Security Advisor

Have you ever heard the metaphor of the “Black Swan” used to describe an event that is so unanticipated, primarily because it seems so impossible or never really considered, yet it has far-reaching consequences?

People use this metaphor to describe financial market collapses, world wars, the fall of the Soviet Union, and even the Twin Towers of 2001. Yes, each of these events seemed impossible. Still, upon closer examination and the aid of hindsight, we can see that these events showed signs that something terrible was about to happen.

They “seemed” to be impossible because of the scale at which they occurred, and the level of our disbelief made it seem so.

A “Grey Rhino” is the opposite event of a Black Swan. Grey Rhinos are out in the open and plain to see. However, they are often ignored until the consequences are too late. These are the 4000-pound beasts that stare us straight in the face, yet we often fail to recognize the dangers. Sometimes we can jump out of the way, but in most instances, we get hit squarely and then wonder what happened and why. In risk management, it is commonly assumed that if it is predictable, then it is preventable.

Let me give you an obvious example of such a Rhino. Imagine the crime in your area is steadily increasing, which at present is not hard to believe, and you always leave the garage door up regardless of being in the garage or not. There are only two outcomes to this human error. You may get lucky, and someone only steals some tools or your golf clubs, but increasingly, the odds of a home invasion just skyrocketed due to your lackadaisical approach to your home security. If the worst occurs, the neighbors will be talking about how unsafe the neighborhood has become and how “upset” everyone is over you becoming a victim. This is a Grey Rhino folks.

Home security and personal safety are processes, both mental and physical. I am not speaking of self-defense or physical training. I am talking about the examination we must do of our own behaviors and the vulnerabilities present in ourselves and our homes.

Have you ever heard the term “condition white”? Condition white is commonly referred to as being totally unaware of your surroundings and unprepared for even the prospect of danger. Unfortunately, this is the very condition that most people operate in daily. We walk around self-absorbed, heads buried in our cell phones, and oblivious to our world. It makes us a target, even in the broadest of daylight. It is the worst level of awareness for one’s personal safety.

Conversely, in condition yellow, you are relaxed but alert. You are not expecting trouble, but you know your environment, so you would recognize a problem if it arose.

In the next level, condition orange, you know there seems to be a problem, and your body reacts. For example, you are aware that you are in a bad place and that danger is imminent, so you take evasive action. This is where we need to be to maintain a healthy sense of safety.

Going back to “our” Grey Rhino metaphor, what security issues are staring you in the face that comes with a probability of something bad happening? Do we tempt fate with poor habits? Do we ignore the obvious and hope that it will not happen to us? Do we simply hope to get out of the way in time to escape the harm?

Here at Boss Security Screens, we don’t tempt fate; we beat it! We have developed the finest security screens in the industry to help secure you, your loved ones, and your home.

Boss Security Screen also advocates for responsible preparedness. For some, that may mean layering your security efforts to ease concerns. Products such as security cameras and alarms or better locking systems and lighting may satisfy the need. Whatever approach you take, you must do it with purpose and forethought. You must actively engage in the process and increase your awareness levels. And never forget, there is strength in numbers, so watch out for your neighbor, regardless of where they live. Until next time….be safe and be prepared!

Written by,

Michael Johnston

Chief Security Advisor at Boss Security Screens

About Michael Johnston:

Michael was born and raised in rural Nebraska. He began his law enforcement career in 1989 with the Lincoln Police Department, Lincoln, NE, where he worked as a patrol officer for nearly four years. Michael joined the Henderson Police Department in 1993, first as a Corrections Officer and later as a Police Officer in June of 1995. During his tenure, Michael has worked as a Patrol Officer, Field Training Officer, Officer in Charge, Crisis Negotiator, K-9 Handler, and Narcotics Investigator. He was promoted to Sergeant in 2005 and moved to the Investigations Division, where he supervised the Property and Special Victims Units. In 2009, Michael was promoted to Lieutenant, where he served as a Watch Commander in patrol and supervisor of the Community Relations Unit. In March of 2013, he became one of eight (8) Captains for the Henderson Police Department Command Team. Michael led the Special Services Division overseeing SWAT, K-9, and Motors but later took the lead as Division Commander of the Investigative Services Division until late 2017. Michael finished his career as the East Area Commander before retiring in early 2019. Immediately after retirement, Michael transitioned to the gaming industry, where he served as the Director of Security and Risk Assessment for Boulder Hwy Gaming and Water St Gaming, LLC. Michael created security strategies, training programs, and policies that reduced security risks and mitigated organizational liabilities. In late 2021, Michael opened Code 4 Consulting; Private Investigations (NV PILB LIC #3090). His company provides a broad spectrum of investigative services, case reviews, expert witness support, and executive protection. He also supports organizations with employee training, compliance, risk assessment, and prevention strategies to target organizational issues that create corporate risk and liability. Michael now joins Boss Security Screens as our Chief Security Advisor. Incorporating his training, experience, and expertise into our operation brings our customers valuable content and insight.

*The author is a paid consultant and product representative for Boss Security Screens. The information provided in this blog does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials are the author’s opinion and for general informational purposes only. It is recommended that you consult an attorney, certified trainers, or licensed providers before acting on any information provided. This website may link to other third-party websites. Such links are for the convenience of the reader and are not endorsed by the author.

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